Learn more about recreational sports opportunities available through the City Of Raleigh of Tuesday, February 4, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Southern Wake Campus Building L lobby.
Choose between the lower premiums in the state's 70/30 plan and lower out-of-pockets costs in the 80/20 plan for employees, couples and families. Both options offer the same network of providers ...
Thank you for facilitating the last-minute registrations for the Bilingual Culinary course. Although enrollment was initially low, I’m happy to report that the class is now nearing full capacity. I ...
Get ready for the next stage of your life now! Wake Tech employees participate in the state pension system and also can contribute to voluntary accounts to plan for a financially secure retirement.
All full-time employees are eligible to take one degree or non-degree course tuition-free each semester. Employees are responsible for the cost of books, supplies and applicable fees. The Wake Tech ...
Empty beer cans litter the floor where a man sits dead in a chair in front of a television. Nearby, a woman lies dead in a blood-stained bed, and another man is face-down on a kitchen table, also dead ...
A representative from Appalachian State University will be on Scott Northern Wake Campus to answer admissions and transfer questions.
Wake Tech Mock Trial Association will celebrate their accomplishments of the 2024-2025 school year through food and fellowship.
A representative from UNC-Greensboro will be on Southern Wake Campus to answer admissions and transfer questions.
Wake Tech develops, manages and administers competitive compensation programs to attract, retain, and reward high-performing employees at all levels of the college. Human Resources partners with ...
Appalachian State University and UNC-Wilmington will be on Southern Wake Campus together to answer transfer and admissions questions. FREE coffee and doughnuts will be available.
Join us for a valuable workshop designed specifically for medical students. Gain an overview of financial aid options and essential tips for managing your finances, especially during semesters with ...