The Central Intelligence Agency with a "low confidence" has changed its stance and concluded that it's likely the COVI-19 ...
The intelligence agency says it has a “low confidence” in its new finding, but this is further than it has ever gone in ...
The CIA says it has "low confidence" in its assessment that a "research-related origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is more ...
The CIA now assesses the virus that causes Covid-19 more likely originated from an accidental lab leak in China, rather than ...
The Central Intelligence Agency said the Covid-19 pandemic “more likely” originated from a lab leak than a natural source, ...
Dr. Matthew Memoli, a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases researcher focused on flu and other respiratory ...
Langley joins the FBI and Energy Department in agreeing that a lab leak is the most likely source of the pandemic.
The finding suggests the agency believes the totality of evidence makes a lab origin more likely than a natural origin, but ...
An executive order is in the works that would halt U.S. funding for research that makes viruses that are more virulent or ...
SARS-CoV-2 virus, which emerged in Wuhan, China, in late 2019. The ensuing pandemic has killed millions worldwide. Vaccines have made the condition much less fatal for those who have been vaccinated, ...
The Central Intelligence Agency said Saturday that it’s more likely a lab leak caused the Covid-19 pandemic than an infected animal that spread the virus to people, changing the agency’s yearslong ...