Driver Ken Hudson was close to tears as he told a jury he regrets not waiting for the emergency services to arrive saying 'there could have been a different outcome with regard to that baby' ...
Aristocrat Constance Marten posed as a journalist as she fled with partner and newborn baby, jury told - Constance Marten ...
It is alleged that Constance Marten and Mark Gordon carried the little girl in a Lidl bag during her short life and then ...
Constance Marten is a ‘trust fund child’ who has ‘perfected lying to an art form’, a prosecutor said, as she and her partner ...
Marten, 37, and her partner Mark Gordon, 50, are on trial at the Old Bailey over the death of baby Victoria in early 2023 ...
Marten, 37, and Mark Gordon, 50, are accused over the death of their daughter Victoria while on the run from authorities ...
Constance Marten, 37, and Mark Gordon, 50, are accused of the gross negligence manslaughter of their baby in early 2023 ...
Constance Marten, 37, and Mark Gordon, 50, are accused of fleeing across the country carrying their child in a 'bag for life', in a 'grossly negligent and obviously dangerous' manner in a bid to ...
Aristocrat Constance Marten and her partner abandoned a live cat in a box on the M61 as they fled authorities, a jury was ...