Baucom will succeed Laurie L. Patton, who stepped down last month to become president of the American Academy of Arts & ...
Professor Andreu has worked as a literary translator for about 25 years, during which time he has translated some two hundred titles from English and German into Spanish and Catalan for several top ...
Make a lasting impact on our community by supporting events like the No Man’s Land Film Festival. Your in-kind donations or sponsorships help us create inclusive spaces for outdoor adventure and skill ...
Dr. Baimyrzaeva’s focus areas include organizational learning, capacity building, change, and strategic planning using socially innovative and design thinking approaches. In her work Dr. Baimyrzaeva ...
Jason Blazakis is a professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (MIIS) where he focuses on threat financing, sanctions, violent extremism, and special operations related research.
Ellen serves as the Cluster Manager for the Religious Life Cluster of student organizations on campus, and has been the Program Coordinator at the Scott Center for Spiritual and Religious Life since ...
Rebekah oversees the rare book and manuscript collections, college archives, digital projects, and the conservation and preservation of Middlebury’s library collections. She first arrived to ...
Thor Sawin (Professor, TFL/TESOL programs) is a linguist, applied linguist, and teacher of English and German as a foreign language, with over seventeen years of teaching experience at the ...
Lyuba Zarsky concluded early that the best game in life is changing the world. In the 1970s, she co-founded the University Without Walls in Berkeley, whose motto was “the world is our classroom.” She ...
Potter was trained as a Soviet specialist and wrote his first book on the technology, economics, and politics of nuclear nonproliferation. He soon became fascinated by parallels in Soviet and U.S.
Trained as a philosopher and historian of ideas, Dr. Cohen turned early on in his career into nuclear history. He is widely known for his path-breaking historical studies of the Israeli nuclear ...
Sylvia Murninkas studied Communications at the Labor University of Uruguay and Performance Theater at Montevideo’s City School for Dramatic Arts and has production experience in both journalism and ...