The Maple Leaf ... The Flag Shop Saskatoon has been bustling all week with patriotic Canadians purchasing flags. Owner Judy Denham says this is the first year she's noticed people really celebrating ...
The Winnipegger had tried to get a flag before Saturday, but her attempt floundered after she went to a Canadian Tire on Friday and found the Maple Leaf had already been sold out. The demand ...
The Winnipegger had tried to get a flag before Saturday, but her attempt floundered after she went to a Canadian Tire on Friday and found the Maple Leaf had already been sold out. The demand for ...
Part of Canadian war veteran Bruce Stock's letter to the Maple Leaf flag To commemorate the flag's 60th anniversary, Stock wrote it a heartfelt letter. In it, he details the moment the Maple ...
Canada’s maple leaf flag is 60 years old, and Windsor is celebrating the anniversary by showing off one of the few originals. One of six historic maple leaf flags to soar over Parliament Hill on ...
Feb. 15 is National Flag Day and the good old red and white Maple Leaf flag is celebrating its 60th anniversary. It was first proclaimed in 1996, using the date the current Canadian flag was first ...
The Canadian flag, designed by George F. G. Stanley, is celebrating its 60th anniversary on Feb. 15. We asked Canadians across the country for their thoughts on what the Maple Leaf means to them at ...
designer of the Canadian flag. Sixty years ago, at the stroke of noon on a crisp, snowy, brilliantly sunny day, the Maple Leaf flag was raised for the first time on Canada’s Parliament Hill.
I believe most sincerely that it is time now for Canadians to unfurl a flag that is truly distinctive and truly national in character; as Canadian as the maple leaf which should be its dominant ...
Business was brisk at Victoria’s Flag ... Canadian, she said. The enthusiasm for Flag Day this year fits right in with Victoria Coun. Chris Coleman’s long-held devotion to the maple leaf.